Author Archives: admin

COVID-19 and Childbirth: Inequities for People of Color

By Laurel Johnson Reviewed by Abbie Jacobs, RN, BSN From the eradication of traditional healing traditions to the infamous Tuskegee study to the stunning contribution of Henrietta Lacks, the medical community has a long, oppressive and exploitative history toward people …

Top 6 Apps to Recommend to Expecting Parents

Reviewed by Abbie Jacobs, RN, BSN It’s true—knowledge is power, and arming expecting parents with knowledge will provide them with an added degree of support and comfort during this stressful and exciting time in their lives. While your role as …

History of the ANCM and AMCB

Having the Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) credential from the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) distinguishes advanced practice nurses with advanced medical training from other professionals who attend childbirth, such as doulas, birth companions, or birth supporters. The importance of this distinction …